Akiya Vlog: My First 2024 House Tour in Japan Jan 03, 2024

As we kick off the year 2024, I'm starting a new series.

It's called, "Akiya Vlog," where I show you behind the scenes of Japanese akiya walkthroughs I do in person.

If you're curious about how I...

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Dream to Reality: Foreign Couple's Epic Ski Lodge Makeover in Japan Dec 31, 2023

Have you ever wondered what it takes to turn a neglected ski lodge into a winter tourist destination?

Join me as I dive into the incredible journey of Kate and Adam, who transformed a hidden gem in...

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30-Day Akiya Challenge Dec 24, 2023

Curious about finding abandoned akiya in a Japanese city?

Check out my 30-day challenge video—it ends with a surprising twist.

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Foreigner's Guide: Buying Japanese Property with Revolut Dec 21, 2023

If you have ever wanted to buy a property in Japan as a non-resident foreigner but didn't know how.

This video is for you.

I interviewed one of my clients, Manuel, who recently bought a...

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Is Japan Really a Safe Place to Live? | Street Interviews in Tokyo Dec 16, 2023

Is Japan REALLY safe to live?

Japan is known for earthquakes, typhoons, floods and volcanos. In fact, Japan has more earthquakes than any other country in the world. About 10% of all the...

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These Foreign Investors Are Buying Properties in Japan - Here is Why Dec 10, 2023

Overseas real estate buyers now see Japan as a place to buy.

Recently, I interviewed four foreign investors who are pursuing properties in Japan. Three of them are doing it while living abroad.


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Meet the Owner of 110 Akiya in Japan Dec 06, 2023

What does it take to own 110 houses in Japan?

Recently, I met someone who’s absolutely crushing it in the Japanese real estate investing game.

His name is Kimura-san. In the last 7 years, he...

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How Cheap is Japan Now? | Street Interview in Tokyo Dec 03, 2023

I asked foreign residents and tourists in Tokyo to compare the cost of living in their home country and Japan.

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How to Buy Your FIRST House in Japan as a Foreigner (Step By Step) Nov 26, 2023

Here is what everyone wants to know.

“How do you buy your first property in Japan as a foreigner?”

What do you look for, how do you know if it’s a good investment and how do you...

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5 Mistakes You Make When Buying an Akiya in Japan 🏠 Nov 19, 2023

People from all over the world reach out and ask us to help them find and purchase an akiya in Japan.

There are 5 common mistakes - a majority if not all people make one of these mistakes.

So I...

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Japan’s Abandoned Houses | The Akiya Crisis Explained Nov 12, 2023

Global. Housing. Crisis.

A United Nations expert recently warned of a severe affordable housing crisis, saying that “more and more people are unable to afford their housing costs.

Does this...

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Buying an Akiya in Japan | The FIRST Question You MUST Ask Yourself Nov 05, 2023

It’s the end of 2023, and by now, you’ve probably heard that there are 10 million empty houses in Japan.

And many of them are very cheap.

Over the past 6 months, I’ve spoken to...

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